by Deidra David and Naima Thompson
When we hear the topic of beauty, oftentimes the first thought is outer appearance—hair, makeup, nails, etc. All play a part in how we want to display ourselves to the world. These things are very important, but we have to also consider what is going on beneath that.
“Fashion and beauty in itself doesn’t cause vanity.”, said Nwugochi Alice Lewis, founder and owner of Afrentic, an Atlanta based boutique.
“It is the condition of our heart that determines if we show beauty or ugliness on the outside.” Lewis, who also does makeup and hair, said if we are not careful, we can get, “caught up with the world,” and start comparing ourselves with other people.
“This is especially an issue, seeing how social media is such a big part of our daily lives.” She went on to say that if we focus so much on others and how they look, we will miss what God is trying to say to us individually about fashion, beauty, and how he desires for us to look on the inside and out.
Lewis, a Nigerian-American, was teased growing up because of her first name, African culture, and oftentimes, eclectic fashion sense. She said she did not care what the latest brands were nor did she try to fit in. After graduating high school, she wanted to go into fashion, but she suppressed her desire due to negative feedback.
After high school, she explored cosmetology and the retail industry where she could dress mannequins as a way to express her creative abilities. “It wasn’t until I got married that something clicked.”
After Lewis had a traditional Nigerian wedding, she felt deep in her heart that she wanted others to experience her culture. Thus, Afrentic was born. “I wanted others to experience what I experienced at my wedding.”
Afrentic is Africa and Authentic put together. She said she wants everyone, no matter their ethnic background to, “experience the authenticity of Africa,” as well as let their personal authentic selves show in their everyday life. Lewis reiterated that, “Our identity starts with Christ. He’s the one that shows us our authenticity.”
Our inner beauty is more important than outer appearance because it can affect how we look on the outside. Issues like pride, depression, and lust can all wreak havoc on our soul and overtime, spill out into how we treat others and ourselves.
Are you ignoring the condition of your heart? Distractions are all around us, but at this time we have a little more time for self-reflection. 1 Peter 3:3-4 says, “Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with a incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious to God.” This verse does not ignore or dismiss the importance of outward appearance, but it simply places a higher importance on inward appearance. God’s spirit inside of us is a beauty that cannot fade.
“Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a work in you will complete it until the day of a Jesus Christ” -Philippians 1-6
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