By: Consuela Harmon
OK, so you have to go to work, attend a ministry meeting, cook dinner, pick up kids from school, help them with their homework, complete your OWN homework, drop them at cheerleading/basketball, and not mention make sure the WHOLE families laundry is clean, folded, and neatly put away (all the laundry piled up on you and the kids don’t have anymore clean uniforms)
And of course, your precious infant just got over a virus so all his or her clothing AND bedding need to be SEPERATLEY sanitized and the house disinfected so God forbid, there is not an epidemic and the virus spreads to your whole family!
But of course today’s to do list, as usual, goes out the window because you just found out through a Gmail (after you attempted to have a moment with Jesus but that was short lived because in the midst of your prayer time, the baby let you know through her screeching cries “I want to be picked up now!”) that you have an emergency conference with the principal because your son retaliated, snapping on Billy, the school bully by giving him a black eye in the middle of the cafeteria for messing with his little sister at lunch.
So now, of your course you’re beyond frustration and a few milliseconds away from snapping yourself!
The best solution? PRAY. PRIORITIZE. Laugh!
If not, you could possibly take that frustration out on your children. Even if that means not giving them the attention they need because you’re just so overwhelmed. You don’t want children to suffer because you are just “having a moment”. Take a second and think of the King who knows all and understands how you are feeling.
Listen, there are many days that I have to say to myself, “Sway get it together. It’s not that tough. God know what to do “.
As the Word of God says, in Philippians 4:7 (AMP Version), 7 And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours].
It also helps to think of a funny moment you had with the kids. Even in the chaos, I know they make you laugh at least SOMETIMES. The joy of the Lord is your strength in a moment of weakness, and for a parent, frustration is definitely a weakness.
So as we encounter trials, let us allow the God of PEACE and JOY comfort our hearts and minds as we raise our children in the Lord.
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