By: Erica Johnson
From church meetings that lead to revivals, or worship team jam sessions that lead to live albums, in the Kingdom of God, every great movement begins with a spark. The most recent spark I’ve had the pleasure to witness was the emergence of “Called Out.”
Spearheaded by Apostles Christopher and Dr. Larinda King of End Time Commission Church, “Called Out” began as a day of fasting and 24-hour rampart prayer.
“It started as a voice from God,” says Dr. Larinda King. “God spoke to me and said, ‘Why are My people who are called by My name not asking Me to heal the land?’ Then, I saw the scripture in 2 Chronicles 7:14.”
That same night, God shared a dream with Dr. Larinda as a confirmation. “I had a dream about a baby in my womb. I could feel the baby from the head, to the stomach, down to the feet. When I prayed, God showed me Zechariah 1”
Zechariah 1 encourages a new generation of people to forsake the ways of the former generations who did not listen to the prophets of their time. “When I read this,” Dr. Larinda says, “I connected what I read to a word that The Lord had given me before on a trip to Paris in 2010 when watching the changing of the guard.”
Believing that God used the pandemic to cultivate His people, Dr. Larinda also noticed a type of changing of the guard manifested during the pandemic. As many lost their fathers and grandmothers, she also noticed our noted prophets, evangelists, and pastors were passing away.
“When I started realizing the prophets, pastors, evangelists, and leaders that went before us were dying, I realized that we were left with one common denominator—His word was still on this Earth with no one to carry the baton. This is when I knew we had to come together with this generation and petition God as His called, without necessarily being tapped on the shoulder to do it by the older generation. I knew that this was the time I was standing between past, present, and future. The past fathers and prophets were dying, so we represent the now generation and the ones who will lead in the future. I knew the prophetic word had collided with this pandemic, and this was a sign to me that the word that was shut up ten years ago was now coming to pass. It marked the moment that the race was beginning for us—the Now Generation. This is the birthing of “Called Out” of Covid-19 and Generation Now.”
The 24-hour Facebook Live event featured 24 ministers and 24 intercessors streaming nationally. For each hour, there was a short sermon and a prayer for every country. Participants fasted on behalf of those affected by COVID-19, only partaking in communion every eight hours.
To highlight the event, there were selections through the ministry through arts. Dancing, singing, rapping, and poetry were all interwoven between sermonettes and prayers, featuring talented artists from across the country. Each segment was either pre-recorded or live, and showcased multiple displays of visual and performing arts. From original poetry, to time lapse videos of artists painting, every artform you could think of was used to minister The Gospel.
In a time where the whole world is sheltering in place and practicing social distancing, the church, through “Called Out,” found a way to unify in prayer and praise to Christ. Since the nation’s quarantine during the pandemic, I haven’t seen a movement like “Called Out” streamed on any social media outlet. It was power packed and brought a necessary breath of fresh air to the body of Christ in the midst of a dark and uncertain era.
For more information on “Called Out” and this on-going movement, please visit Called Out on Facebook.
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