In Da T.R.U.T.H.’s recent album, Complicated, he noted “Saw preachers of LA, so turned off.” With this being said, how does the body of Christ feel about the Bride’s image on TV? Is it good, bad, or so so? What does the secular world think of these shows? Are Christian reality TV shows sending mixed signals? What do you think? We’d love to hear from you!
there is nothing wrong with christians having reality tv shows. But with that being said like people the programming and music is going to reflect the heart and mindset of the people. Some christian programming will be to the glory of God. While others wont. That’s the display of media. The world gets to see the good the bad and the ungly of the church. Jesus said whats done in the darkness will be brought to light. So christians need to be light in this world by displaying jesus well through the light gate of the media. For jesus also said if your eye is bad how great is that darkness effecting your eyes to see? Its great the obvious answer would be great. so christians need to live out that word and be a disciple (a disciplined learner) of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I agree with Billy that we as christians must strive whole-heartedly in order to live out our lives in every aspect as “followers of the Way”. And in doing so we need to be able to carry the light of Christ into every arena of our lives whether its Government, business, entertainment/media or whatever people should be able to see God being glorified through us. Jesus never changed who he was regardless of the platform or who He encountered on any given occasion and likewise we must consistently carry the standard as children and servants of the Most high. When it comes to TV and media as a field we must strive even harder to make certain we arent compromising and giving a bad image of The Father
Commercial intrests will govern these reality shows. Dressing respectable and calling yourself christian while giving down to earth advise is what passes for reality “christian tv” and all other things labeled “christian”. Its a dirty game of reflective speach, smiles and visions of hope. Truth be told I don’t look for christian reality tv to really shed light on the truth. I’m securely fashioned to the Lord and I have zero intrest in christian reality tv and I sorta feel the same about it as I would of before I was God strucked.