By: Ceteria Polite
The world of Christian media has taken a turn beyond reality television and has recently made its way to daytime television with the recent debut of talk show, The Preachers, which is hosted by Pastors E. Dewey Smith, Jamal Bryant, Orrick Quick, and Associate Pastor, John Gray.
The show premiered on July 11th and is set to air for a three week run; however, it has already began to receive criticism following the appearance of comedian, Mo’Nique and her husband, Sydney Hicks.
During their appearance, the couple was questioned about one of their most recent developments, which is a podcast called, “Mo’Nique and Sydney’s Open Relationship.” For some, we would associate open relationships with the communication and intimacy between a husband and wife, but the terms have a deeper meaning.
An open relationship often refers to a couple coming to common terms on having a polygamous relationship. The interview took a turn upon Pastor Jamal Bryant stating, “I think that it’s awesome what you guys are doing. I believe in open relationship, I just forgot to tell my ex-wife.”
The comment has now caused it’s viewers to disapprove of the show and its content after it appeared that the actions of the actress and her husband, which is clearly sin, was approved by the comment made by Pastor Bryant. The show guests seemed to dominate the interview as they began to challenge Pastor John Gray by telling him to ask his wife, who was in the audience, if she wanted to pursue an open relationship.
According to The Preachers’ May 4th interview on daytime talk show, The Real, Pastor John Gray noted, “We will be giving America a daily dose of hope, as daytime television is filled with people who speak from real perspectives. We will be doing the same with faith and spirituality is just as valid a foundational perspective just as any other talk show.”
It seems as if the show contradicts that following comment, as it appears to be equal to any other talk show by failing to speak on righteous and Biblical morals. What do you think? Is this show a train wreck to come? Are “The Preachers” truly ready for the world of entertainment? Are they opening the door to compromise? Is this platform given causing them to shift their roles from church pastor to just a personality for American television? Let’s speak faith, feel free to share your thoughts!
I definitely think that with this show, compromise is on the rise. It’s an assault against the godliness and holiness that God requires of His people. Viewers see these lukewarm role models and often times use them, even subconsciously as stamps of approval for their folly. Not cool. Just hearing about this show’s content reminds me of the scripture that mentions having a form of godliness, but denying its power. Sad and grieving is what this is.
I’ve sat and watched a couple episodes of this show and I feel like their goal in making it is one that was with good intentions but that they may have underestimated in some ways the level of attack that the enemy had in store for them to cause them to compromise their belief. I am a firm believer in the fact that we as Christians need to be able to showcase the faith and what we believe in every arena without watering it down for the sake of someone else’s opinion or beliefs, which is what Christ did. I pray they are able to be strengthened in their faith and in their stance and that the show does draw people to the faith without giving them a watered down version of Christ’s message, cause don’t nobody want that