By: Shawon Canady
When it comes to the world of science and faith, more often than not, the two cannot seem to find a common ground. This dichotomy is often coupled with debate, and just overall frustration. Despite the faith and science taboo topic, many have had to consider how the two go hand in hand in the midst of one of the nation’s most trying times—COVID-19.
As believers, it is our responsibility to walk by faith and not by sight, to trust God as our healer, and to live a life where we allow God to have the final say. Concerning COVID-19, believers have to come to terms with the strength of their faith and the strength of the nation’s pandemic. At the end of the line, one thing is for certain—believers must have a response.
On one the forefronts of that response are the Christians in the medical field who must face this pandemic everyday and face their faith. Leah Lambert, a registered nurse at Memorial Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit in Savannah, Ga, weighs in on how believers should respond to the science and the faith.
As a nurse, Lambert is no stranger to being exposed to contagious diseases and the subsequent personal protective equipment (PPE) for diseases transmitted by droplet or airborne, such as COVID-19. With a raging workload and a militant home routine to protect her family from the potential hazards of her job, Lambert encounters patients and their families in one of the most sensitive and uncertain times of life—when an individual is near death.
“When we have used all of our tools and “tricks” to save a person’s life,” Lambert notes, “and have maxed out our resources, it’s truly in God’s hands. My personal faith is grounded in the Lord, but I also have science because God gave me the mind and desire to learn about His creations.”
Lambert must use her faith and science together each day. Many Christians are divided on handling this pandemic. Some pastors refuse to have service in respect for the safety and well-being of their members, while others have faith that God will protect them and their congregants. The same is true of families following the protocols of their governing states and cities.
Rather than argue, Lambert offers the perfect response for believers who are struggling to get their faith down with the science.
“We should pray,” Lambert says. “Walking by faith during this hard time is our time to shine! The virus is deadly, I have seen it overcome a person, but diseases have been around since the fall of man. This is truly not new. I believe God also wants us to listen to leadership and the laws of the land. Social distancing has benefited the world and has saved many lives and is truly necessary. Think about Jesus and His disciples. Did they ever ask to learn to do miracles? No, they asked him how to pray.”
Lambert urges believers to know that, yes, God is in control! Our hope is not in this life, but in Christ alone. The science we study is not to deter us from God, but a beautiful gift to help us understand The Lord’s mysteries.
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