Have you ever watched MTV’s “Catfish”? It’s basically about Internet relationships in which the parties involved use deception to continue a relationship with someone that they have never seen or met in person. Although it is a popular and widely watched show, we can find ourselves in a “Catfish” relationship at any given moment with Satan. How? Every time we use alcohol to get our mind off of things, we feed our relationship with the Enemy. Whenever we listen to vulgar music to induce feelings of lust, anger, or even depression we pull ourselves deeper and deeper into Satan’s plan to get us where he wants us. We have seen many posers on the show “Catfish”, but none as deceptive and manipulative as Satan.
To “pose” is defined as “to affect an attitude or character usually to deceive or impress”. The Word of God tells us that Satan is the deceiver of the world. (Revelations 12:9) He disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). So, we all know that Satan is a poser. But how is it that we, being children of God and made in His likeness, began taking on these characteristics ourselves? What is the difference between when we decide to pose as something and Satan posing in your life? How can we be changed if we are exhibiting the same characteristics of Satan, a being that is unchangeable and unforgivable by God?
Have you ever seen a married couple that starts to look related? The more time they share together and the more they go through as a unit, the more they look alike. That is what happens when we continue to have a relationship with the Enemy, Just like a relationship with a spouse; it starts off small, with one thing. With Satan, the one thing is a deceptive idea. He poses as something in our lives that we lack. It could be in the form of a person, a situation, or through entertainment. When we accept what he is posing as what we are lacking or what we need, then it sparks a relationship.
However at the end of the day, just like in a relationship with another person, you and Satan are two completely different entities. Satan is a deceiver and wishes for us to join him in his inevitable defeat. We have access to Christ’s redemption, which reveals our true identity, the likeness of Christ. Satan at the core is evil and condemned for eternity. At our core, we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. (Romans 8:16-17) Our identity in the spirit is the difference!
Become an ex-poser! It’s not your identity it is Satan’s! You are an heir, not a deceiver. You have nothing to hide. Your transparency will lead you to freedom and healing, while Satan’s will lead to his demise.
Where in your life have you found yourself posing? If you don’t believe that you are posing to fulfill a desire in your life, what truth do you identify yourself with? Let’s hear it!
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