By: Ericka Ulysse
After the mass shooting that took place in Orlando FL, there have been various acts of protection, and stands for justice since then. The June 12th mass killing wasn’t what helped start active move for gun control and safety to arise in America again.
The night before the 22-year-old singer who made her name on NBC’s The Voice, known as Christina Grimmie was shoot and killed after her show. Coincidently both fatal incidents happened in Orlando, FL.
An open letter was sent to congress that addressed stopping gun violence now. Lecrae’s name stands among those who want to see change beyond the normal stance.
It’s good to see a believer standing for these rights publicly and want to see things go on to the next level. Based on the letter, people want Congress to do more to prevent the gun violence that kills more than 90 Americans everyday and injuries hundreds more. They are calling new requirements like a background check for every gun sale to block suspected terrorists from buying guns.
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