By: Delvin Price
Colombia records label mates Lecrae and Switchfoot collaborate on Swithfoot’s latest album to release the powerful song, “Looking for America.”
In the wake of the violence that has been taking place throughout the nation the past few weeks from and against law enforcement officers and civilians, the message and timing of this song’s release is impeccable. The song ditches the notion of the utopia and perfect nation that is commonly displayed in songs about our nation, and focuses on the grim state in which we currently find ourselves.
Both artists discuss the darker aspects of our nations past, the years of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, and race riots. They also discuss how as a nation, we have beaten ourselves and others down chasing after “green.”
The hope presented is our need to get back to being a nation under God, and the need that we have for God to truly perform a miracle and change the course of our nation from one with blood drenched soil, to one that we as a collective people can have hope in.
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