One Nation “Under God”?

By July 5, 2016Run It Down

By: Delvin Price

Christian Hip Hop artist, Da’ T.R.U.T.H. requested prayer for his son’s Christian school via social media because they are being forced to adhere to the Obama administrations new transgender bathroom directive and are ultimately having to compromise their religious views.

Personally in researching this directive there are many possible landmines that aren’t being considered. If people as a whole can “choose” their bathroom based on gender “identity” there is a very high likelihood that the number of rape, pedophilia, and molestation cases could gravely increase.

In what is being described by Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council, as a final attempt to fundamentally “transform” America, the Obama administration has issued a directive requiring public schools to allow all transgender students to use the bathroom of their “gender identity” and not based on their biological sex. President Obama released a statement saying that the decision to direct public schools to allow students to use the bathroom of their choice was based on the law and best interests of their children. He furthermore stated that the decision is also to help curtail ostracism that many transgender students face in schools.

Although the “reasoning” behind the Directive according to President Obama may have good intentions, many believe those good intentions have very likely set the stage for a huge disaster. Currently 12 states (including Georgia) along with multiple school districts and the governor of Maine have filed suit in opposition of the Federal order; the states and school districts that have done so run the risk of having some of their federal funding cut as a result of not acquiescing to the directive.

As Christians we must maintain responsibility to adhere to the laws of the Kingdom of God regardless of what our popular culture or country deem as acceptable. As our country moves further and further away from the “Under God” portion of our motto, we must pray earnestly for our leaders and government that repentance and establishment of God’s government may manifest on earth, lest God forbid we end like Sodom and Gomorrah.




Author theforceradio

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