I hope you guys have been tuning in to our Top 10 countdowns! There so many different types of Christian music, from Soul Gospel to Gospel Rap, I’m sure it was hard to choose just 10! Which brings us to our next subject…Christian Music. Now, let’s be clear. I love God with all my heart. But sometimes as Christians, we feel like this means that it is a sin to say that we don’t like particular things regarding Gospel Music. There are some songs, albums, or even artists that I don’t particular care to listen to, and that is not a crime! To negate that fact would be fake, and the last thing we want to be are fake Christians. What are some things in Christian Music that you don’t like? Here, to make it a little more comfortable for you, I’ll start it off: I don’t like tracks with a lot of screaming (I just don’t like hearing that…), a large amount of runs (It get’s annoying to me after a while), and a bunch of record samples, or remakes of other songs. (I get my lyrics mixed up, I start singing songs I ain’t trying to sing; it’s just too much) See, that isn’t so hard, now is it? How about you? Let’s hear it!
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