By: Deidra David
Thinking about waist training? Think again. Not only are they dangerous to your health, they also don’t help you lose any weight. Waist trainers are modern day corsets, which date back to the 1500s. Women wore them constantly to give themselves the appearance of a smaller waist.
Fast-forward to 2016, and women use them for a few hours to workout, on the job, etc., but doing so will not remove any fat from the midsection. In order to show permanent results, you would have to wear them constantly. Doing this would damage your body by causing your organs to shift.
“It just crams all of your organs together. So over a long period of time, wearing it too much and too frequently, it can cause damage too,” says health and wellness expert Dr. Tasneem Bhatia.
Dr. Taz says waist trainers make heartburn and indigestion worse, and women pass out after wearing them because they can’t get enough air. Your diaphragm, colon, liver stomach, and small intestines can all be shifted around inside your body after wearing one for too long.
So should you try this? Definitely not. Keep your organs where God put them. Eating healthy and proper exercise are good ways to lose or maintain a healthy weight, but please do not go to extremes to be a “bad chick.” You are a daughter of the King and your body is a temple.
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