By: Ceteria Polite
Every year when I get on stage and ask if the people are ready for RHETORIC, the response from the crowd is unbelievable. So many people come from all over the world and are blessed by extremely talented artists who are also authentic ministers of the Gospel. And I’m blessed by the response of those who attend. I’m excited to see what God does this year.”
-Rhetoric Host, TQ Senkungu
The Prophetic and Flowphetic sounds the Passion for Christ Movement (P4CM) will be placed on display at the Rhetoric 2016, on August 12, 2016 at the Cottonwood church in Los Alamitos, Ca. Poetry Artists such as Alex James, Canden Webb, Joseph Solomon, Propaganda, and Kevin Perry will minister the gospel of Jesus Christ through the art of poetry. Musical guest, B. Reith, will also bless the stage through the gift of song. As noted on P4CM.com, “RHETORIC is the world’s largest Christian spoken word event. The topics that are addressed through spoken word are an attempt to speak to every aspect of the human experience and Gods blessing over it or His power to overcome it. We’ve hit the topics of sexual molestation and abuse, overcoming homosexuality, AIDS, losing to cancer, encouragement to women to see that God finds them beautiful, a challenge to men to step their game up, the joy of the Lord, the power and necessity of evangelism in all walks of life, the importance of the youth to be a part of the movement, and the list goes on.” The event not only offers enjoyment for the audience through the art of poetry, but yet, new life to the unbeliever, redemption to the brokenhearted, and freedom to the bound as these artists share their testimonies through their gift. Tickets are readily available for purchase, at the link below. Prior to the show, will be a meet and greet for the guests to spend a few minutes with the artist. Time is limited, so act now to be apart of a flowphetic movement.
The Rhetoric 2016
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