By Erica Rawls
As a 20 something year old Christian, there are two things that are the hardest concepts to change. The first, music (of course!). The second, relationships. Jamie Grace has a new song called “Party Like a Princess” which captures a feeling that I believe we all need to have. What a blessing it is to be single! Once you realize the importance of being a man or woman of God and that you can’t just “put yourself out there” anymore, you exchange your deep V necks and pick up lines for purity rings and “True Love Waits” study bibles. But the switch to being a satisfied Christian single takes a little more than that. There are a few things to remember while being single, saved, and satisfied.
- You have to understand your worth.
We all look for companionship for various reasons, but one thing that is constant is the desire to feel loved and wanted. This is not a bad desire; this desire comes from God. He gave it to us so that we can recognize His love for us when He puts it on display as He did on the cross before we were even dedicated to Him (Romans 5:8). Whether it’s your season of singleness and God allows a butterfly to land on your shoulder at the right time, or you found your soulmate and they make you feel beautiful, God uses nature and all things that surround us to show us our value. Don’t ignore Him when He shows it to you, embrace it!
2.) The longing for companionship cannot be ignored.
I don’t care how saved you are, you will always want to be with someone. Whether you are called to singleness for life and God blesses you with brothers and sisters in the faith or you are called to be married and you are waiting on a mate, God has not created us to be solitary souls (Genesis 2:18-25). The key is to submit your desires for GOD to fulfill, not try to fulfill them your own way.
3.) Satisfaction cannot be gained with physicality.
The Hebrew word for satisfy is “saba” which translates into “drink their fill” or “enough”. Do you believe that you can physically hold hands, hug, kiss, or have sex with someone once and it be enough to the point where you won’t ever want these things anymore? Better yet, do you believe that there is anyone in the world who can do these things for you whenever you want them to and they never get to a place where they can’t anymore (they never get bored of you, they never die, they never get physically tired, etc.)? This is why satisfaction concerning companionship can never be given by a physical person alone. Only Christ can give us the satisfaction of knowing that we are wanted and loved. The physical actions are only evidence of someone else expressing God’s feelings towards us using their vessel (Psalms 107:8-9). God is building a vessel to use to show you love, and He is building you to be a vessel to be used too…so just let Him finish His masterpiece!
So here are a few songs to kick off a playlist to minister and help you through this season of waiting.
Jamie Grace – The Waiting
Kaylee and Erica – I’m in Love With You
S.O. – Wait
Leah Smith – Beautifully Made
RPSMG – Dear Future
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