By Consuela Harmon
During this time of COVID-19, the world as we know it has been shaking. Churches and some businesses that have been considered non-essential have been closed for months. Despite President Trumps order to consider all church’s essential, many have chosen to keep their doors closed.
Normally, congregating is the only form of church that America has been accustomed to. While technical apps such as cash app and PayPal still allot for financial giving, but some may questioned, “How can I give my time and talent?”
The bible states in 1 Corinthians that each individual is the temple of the living God and that His spirits dwells within. With that being the case, the building may be closed, but the church can still function. Well, thank The Lord for technology. Pastor’s sermons can be streamed on multiple platforms such as Zoom and Facebook Live. The greeters can pick up the phone and greet someone with a reminder of how much Jesus loves them. Ushers can still check to see if anyone may have an essential need or give directions on how to stay connected to other members.
Children’s church workers have so much opportunity to be creative and use technology to reach the young—they are on tablets and phones most often anyway. So, can you gladly give to others through your time, talent, and finances?
According to the Bible in 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, The Lord loves a cheerful giver. Until your church building reopens, what are some ways that you, the church, can spread the love of Christ in your area of ministry?
The pandemic may have shut down some of our local businesses, some of whom are still trying to re-open, but may our Father’s business continue.
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