By Ceteria Polite
Protests for humanity are occurring on a daily basis. Some Americans are protesting against the most recent president residency occupied by Donald Trump, while most African Americans are protesting that Black Lives Matter as a result of unjust police brutality. Meanwhile, in Savannah, Georgia, End Time Commission Church has began the Westlake Matter Initiative, on behalf of the WestLake Apartment community. The Westlake apartment complex endured severe damage as a result of hurricane Matthew.
Most of the apartments were completely submerged by the storm water; however, they have yet to be condemned. Day by day, the units grow worse as black mold consistently grows and the children develop sicknesses as a result of the untreated conditions.
It has been months later, and Westlake residents are still displaced or living in mold infested apartments at the hands of their property managers, Aspen Management, located in New Jersey. The residents haven’t been offered much assistance outside of run down motel accommodations, which has only been offered to twenty out of one-hundred families. While some families are being accommodated, others are living in uninhabitable homes, left without any other options, not even from the Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Unfortunately, these residents have been ignored and mistreated; however, The Force Radio has teamed up with End Time Commission Church hosting the Rock the Petition Initiative. With a goal of 10,000 signatures to protest against Westlake’s living conditions, Rock the Petition has been a great success. These signatures are scheduled to be taken to the Housing Urban Development in Atlanta, Georgia. We are petitioning that HUD would relocate the residents of Westlake apartments into better living quarters and demolish the entire complex. This current crisis has been seen as a “see no evil, hear no evil” situation as landlords insists on simply renovating the apartments rather than demolish them.
Realistically, the apartments are located on flood plains, which leads one to believe that the situation will happen again, as this is the third or fourth major flood to occur within the complex. If you are willing to join the cause and believe that the voices of Westlake Matters, join our efforts by visiting our Facebook page at westlakematterssav.
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